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To download the property documents, please fill in your details below to receive an email with the link.

Document   Modified Size
Record of Title - 3 Mary Place.pdf   27/03/23 161.9 KB
NZ Residential Property Sale and Purchase Agreement Guide.pdf   27/03/23 308.93 KB
Flyer - 3 Mary Place.pdf   27/03/23 3.51 MB
Particulars and Conditions of Sale by Auction - 3 Mary Place.pdf   27/03/23 265 KB
School zones - 3 Mary Place.pdf   27/03/23 61.26 KB
Purchaser acknowledgement form - 3 Mary Place.pdf   27/03/23 109.73 KB
Auction bidding registration form - 3 Mary Place.pdf   27/03/23 108.63 KB
Property Information Pack - 3 Mary Place.pdf   27/03/23 1.26 MB
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These documents are provided in good faith taking every care in their preparation, but are issued without any liability or responsibility for their accuracy or completeness. The recipients acknowledge that some of these documents are live documents, such as the LIM report and the title, and may well have changed in their content since being obtained; therefore, the recipients must rely on their own judgement in assessing the information. These documents may be updated throughout the property campaign and the recipient agrees to receive further email communication containing the updated documents when these updates occur.